Highlight Menu Items on Sveltekit

Here is how you can highlight active or current page in the menu on a Sveltekit website.

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  import { page } from "$app/stores";

  const menus = [
    {name: "Home", url: "/"},
    {name: "About", url: "/about"},
    {name: "Blog", url: "/blog"},

  $: currentPage = $page.url.pathname; //should be reactive

{#each menus as { url, name }}
    <a class:active={url === currentPage}

Here is an advanced usage in case you want to highlight /blog even if you are accessing a nested page /blog/a-blog-post

  import { page } from "$app/stores";

  const menus = [
    {name: "Home", url: "/"},
    {name: "About", url: "/about"},
    {name: "Blog", url: "/blog"},

  $: currentPage = $page.url.pathname; //should be reactive

{#each menus as { url, name }}
    <a data-sveltekit-prefetch
       class:active={url !== "/"
        ? currentPage.match(url)
        : url === currentPage}

You can watch how it is done here

Youtube video:

Also check Intelligent Navbar

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